Thursday, April 18, 2013

Trigger shot!

April 15th

I got home from work, did some stuff and then sat down and went over the schedule for the next week that the nurse gave me with Eric. It was 8pm and at midnight we had to do the HCG trigger shot.

This is timed shot that has to be done at a specific time to start the finial maturing and releasing of my eggs for my egg retrieval appointment.

So we were reading the instructions, and its funny that will all my other shots the nurse gave me visual instructions, but with this shot she went over the whole weeks schedule and where to do the shot but she didn't give me a visual. Ive done many shots at this point so I didn't think it was a big deal. Draw up liquid, shoot it in powder, mix, draw it back up and inject.

So the HCG box comes with 2 bottles. One liquid and one powder. The liquid bottle was big and the instructions said to draw up 1cc. The needle however had measurements in "ML". Eric wanted to draw up all the liquid - that would have been one massive shot and it wouldn't have all fit in one needle. I was freaking out, this is so important and has to be done right. I felt there was no choice but to call my RE after hours and find out. I left a message and he called back in a few minutes. I felt dumb but he was very understanding. He even said they should change the wording on the form I was given. It turns out the 1cc and 1ml are the same. Yay.

I was asleep at midnight and Eric woke me up. I was totally grumpy with him, poor guy. Then he said he couldn't find the HCG box and I was irritated and mean. But he found it and we completed the shot.

After a poke I was back to sleep :)

Next day was shot free for me!

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