The bed rest made me feel awesome! I really needed that to get over the pain. If I ever have to do an egg retrieval again, I will take a day off afterwards! What was I thinking?
Here I am though, 5 days after the transfer and about noon I started to feel like a blimp again. It seemed worse than last time. The rest of the day I am wondering, does this mean that I am pregnant and HCG is running through my body, because this is what I was told would make the OHSS come back.
After work I went to the store and got a home pregnancy test. I bought an E.P.T. one. I was reading the boxes and the EPT said it was good for 5 days before your missed period, and there was a First Response test that said it would work 6 days before your missed period. In my tired state I thought 5 sounded better so I got that one. Then I was reading the box at home and realized that the First Response give results one day EARLIER.... I went back to the store to get that one!
I went to bed that night and I was totally uncomfortable. My stomach was an over-inflated balloon and it was hard to move, hard to sleep and I work up sore and still bloated. I did dream of seeing two lines :)
I woke up and its time for my test!!
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