Monday, April 15, 2013

3rd and 4th Baseline Appointment

3rd Appointment April 13th
4th Appointment April 15th

My 3rd appointment on Saturday the 13th was the first baseline appointment that Eric was able to go with me to. I was so happy to have him there. We were in and out in about 20 minutes. I had my blood drawn and then the RE looked at my eggs on the ultra sound. My estrogen levels came back good (I forgot the number), my uterus lining looked good and the eggs were growing as expected. I'm not sure how many he counted on this day. I tried keeping up with the numbers as he was saying them, but I lost track. I just know that most measured about 15-18mm.

I woke up this morning over an hour after I usually take my 1st shot. I slept in because this was the 1st time I would have to do a shot by myself. Up to this point Eric has done all of them. I didn't bother setting my alarm, because I was sure that I would not be able to do it anyway. However, I had anxiety while getting it ready, but then I looked away and stuck it in! WOW! I did it. I called Eric and told him, he was still in charge of shots, because when I did it, I made myself bleed and it hurt afterwards.

My 4th appointment was today (only 2 days later) it went good too. I was alone for this one. This time I had my ultra sound before my blood work. In the right ovary he measured 10 eggs ranging from 12-22mm, 5 of those were over 20mm. In the left ovary he measured 13 eggs ranging from 14-23mm, 6 of those being over 20mm. He said that there were 4-5 more on each side under 5mm. I'm not sure why he even bothered mentioning these, I don't think these will be good ones. The big thing is that the RE told me that I am ready for egg retrieval!

I got my blood drawn and then saw my nurse. She went over my trigger (HCG) shot instructions. We have to take the shot at midnight tonight! But the good news is that, I don't have to take anymore shots for a while. I'm going to be so happy to give my tummy a rest from all the poking. I go in on Wednesday at 11am to get put under and then I get to have all my happy little eggs removed from me so they can meet up with Eric's happy little sperms :)

The nurse called later to tell me that my estrogen level came back at 4502! She went over OHSS (Ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome) again. She wanted to tell me that Ive been responding perfectly, and because my estrogen level is good and high, and I have a lot of eggs that I need to really watch for the signs of OHSS. I will need to keep extra hydrated. Yikes.

This might be TMI - but I feel kind of sad that the sperm that get released from Eric on the day they will meet up with my eggs, will have nothing to do with our passion for each other. He has to sit in a room all by himself and make them come out alone. Out of this whole process, this is the part that seems so sadly clinical to me.

I might have to put some thoughts together to come up with something for him ;)

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