Sunday, February 3, 2013

Plans for February

Hello February -

On the February list: Weight management, Trial Transfer, Metformin and maybe Birth Control Pills and the SCHEDULE!

This month should be the month that I am kind of free from any major IVF stuff. So I need to work out, work out, work out and loose some weight.

My Weight
Here it goes world - - - - I admit I weigh 207 pounds :(

This weight really bothers me, because I have changed my diet and over the last 3 weeks I have been strict. I am keeping carbs under about 20 a day! I am not drinking alcohol or caffeine drinks. I am eating veggies and low calorie items. I have read and followed PCOS diet plans. 3 weeks ago I started out at 208, I dropped down to 204 at one point but on average my weight has stayed at 206.

February - I plan to hit the gym hard, it seems that is where I am going to leave some extra pounds at. I figure if I am eating healthy and maintaining weight, then I need to work it off. (This also pisses me off, because I was maintaining the same weight while drinking, eating yummy pizzas, enjoying my favorite Mexican food, drinking soda and the once a week beer, fries and cheese sauce with my Lisa buddy)

The Trial Transfer
This is scheduled for Friday February 15th. I heard it is easy so I make the 2.5 hour drive alone, have it done and maybe visit my mother-in-law and make it home in time to cook dinner. Im not too worried about this test, just the bill! This one is expensive :)

Many years ago I used to take Glucophage (Metformin is a similar/same medication). It was in 1999, I was wondering why I couldn't get pregnant, I saw a doctor and this is when I was diagnosed me with PCOS and he put me on Glucophage to assist with fertility. Its supposed to control your body's insulin. The side effects are horrible so doctors will start you off on one pill a day for a week, then two a day for a week, then up to three pills (1500mg) each day. Last time I didn't get past the one a day! I cramped so bad!! I'm happy to report that I started taking Metformin 6 days ago, and I bumped myself up to two pills 2 days ago. I'm taking both at nighttime and I just read a blog about time released Metformin working well, I don't have those, so I think I will start taking one at night and one in the morning, then if I tolerate that I will start taking the 3 pills at different times of the day. I'm just really excited that so far Im not having pain!

With all the reading about IVF I do, I found many stories and articles about the benefits of Metformin on fertility and weight loss, so I called my RE's office and asked if that was going to be part of the meds I would be taking. I was disappointed to have her put me on them the next day. The disappointment was because it seemed like if I didn't make that call that I wouldn't be on them right now and I talked with a gal whos RE said, after a failed IVF, that she should have been on the Metformin longer (and she was on it for 3 months, same as I will be). 

Birth Control Pills
With the disappointment over having to ask to be put on Metformin, I'm a little worried about this schedule that the nurse is creating and the fact that she is waiting for AF (aunt flow) to start so she can start me on BCPs. 1st of all my AF is not regular, so it most likely wont start on its own, and I'm looking at the calendar thinking that there is only 2 months left before my April IVF, that doesn't seem like enough time to start seeing where my regular cycle is and I know from what Ive read that I will stop the BCPs before I start shots (I'm pretty sure anyway). I guess I will need to call the office tomorrow and find out what the plan is, so that I can settle down about the time frame left.

My Schedule
Please Please Please I want to get this soon. I was told she was writing it this week and then she will mail it to me. I will be looking forward to that so that I can figure out what they are doing with me and if the IVF is at the beginning of April, the middle or the end. Geeze!

Pregnancy keeps going through my mind. Am I ready, are the kids ready? We are spending sooo much money, are we waisting it? One of my good friends just found out she is pregnant, I'm so happy for her, I made me look in the future, I worried how much it will hurt if IVF doesn't work for us when others are having babies. That same day I found out about her baby, I got to hold a co-workers new born grand-baby, I want to hold my own newborn soon. How bad do I want this? Will I find that after a failed IVF, I am pushing to try again and again? My chances are good, but my weight and age could be a factor. If I spend time fighting my weight battle, my age will increase and hurt chances more.

Please let this 1st time work.

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